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<8.5 diary> Today I went to 'Pocheon'. Because of buying a traditional honey cookie(약과) Do you hear 'Janginthe Yakgwa'? It's very famous store in on, off-line. So to buy 'Janginthe Yakgwa' went to Pocheon early in the morning. In fact, Yesterday I visited that stroe. But I couldn't buy 'Janginthe Yakgwa' When I arrived at stroe, it's already sold out............... perhaps the time was in 1:30 pm.Anyway,,,,.. 2023. 8. 6.
<8.3 diary> I'd like to improve my English ability so I decided to keep an English diary. Today I went to garden 5 to have a lunch with my wife and mother in law. We tried to have a lunch at home. we couldn't stay at home. Because weather was terribly hot. So we decided to go to garden 5 to save energy and get some cold air. First of all we went to food court and then orderd some menus. First menu was a spi.. 2023. 8. 3.
<8.1 diary> These days I learn english for my future. After noon time, I met a english teacher through the online. Sometimes I made a sentence to use a vocaburay or expressions. If I made a wrong sentence, she fixed it in the correct sentence. After finishing this class, I went to youngsan I park mall with my wife to have a dinner and get the shoes. And then we rode a bicycle to go to jungnangcheon from heu.. 2023. 8. 2.
<토요일 일상> 주말... 여름휴가의 시작.. 그런데........ 낮시간........ 집이 너무 덥다....... 그래서 와이프와 아파트 커뮤니티로 피신 하기로 결정!! 들어가서 그냥 앉아 있기는 뭐해서....디카페인 아이스 아메리카노 한잔과 딸기 마카롱, 치즈 마카롱 1개씩 주문하였다.은 약간 과자 뽀또 맛이나지만 꾸덕하지 않아 아쉽다...은 크림은 맛이 아쉬웠지만....꾸덕하니 좋았다. 먹다 보니 뭔가 하나씩 부족한 느낌이다.. 커뮤니티에 오래 앉아 있다 보니 추워.... 저녁 먹으러 노량진을 가기로 했다. 노량진 이라는 고시뷔페에 방문하기로 결정! (고시생은 아니지만 가성비가 좋아 가끔씩 방문 한다. 고시생뿐만 아니라 동네 주민들도 많이 와서 드시고 가시는 것 같다. 유명 유튜버들도 많이 왔다간 흔적이 보인다... 2023. 7. 29.