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<8.5 diary>

by 복온당 2023. 8. 6.

Today I went to 'Pocheon'. Because of buying a traditional honey cookie(약과)
Do you hear 'Janginthe Yakgwa'? It's very famous store in on, off-line.
So to buy 'Janginthe Yakgwa' went to Pocheon early in the morning.
In fact, Yesterday I visited that stroe. But I couldn't buy 'Janginthe Yakgwa'
When I arrived at stroe, it's already sold out............... perhaps the time was in 1:30 pm.

Anyway,,,,today I arrived at store at 9:30 am. but already many people waited to buy 'Janginthe Yakgwa'
So our waiting number was 50...there were 49 more teams ahead of us.
It's shocking....I was curious.... why...... how delicious???
Maybe after 1 hour, our turn has come. 
There was a rule. If you want to buy 'Janginthe Yakgwa', you have to order 1 drink per person.
Then you can purchase 2 packs(파지약과), 2 pieces(정품약과) together with drink.
After purchaing that menu, we tasted 'Janginthe Yakgwa'

Yakgwa's tasty wasn't delicious more than expected, but it was a taste that i can eat over and over again without getting tired of it.
Anyway I'm happy to purchase 'Janginthe Yakgwa' and be able to share of it with my family and friends.

※영어 고수님들 틀린 문장이 있으면 댓글로 수정 부탁드립니다!※


'일상' 카테고리의 다른 글

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