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비즈니스 영어/Talk Business5

<Taxes> - bombarded with = hit or attacked with, subjected to ex) she was bombarded with lots of paperwork. - social benefits = services provided by governments ex) canada's social benefits system is one of the best in the world. - dips = drops, declines ex) the bank's interest rate has continued to dip. - disposable income 가처분 소득 = amount of income for spending or saving after paying ex) my disposable .. 2023. 10. 26.
Working two jobs -accumulate = gather and collect over a period of time -pros and cons = advantages and disadvatages, benefits and drawbacks -one-dimensional = only focused in one area -start up capital = money used to start a business -safety net = minimum income that provides financial security during -getting ahead 성공하다, 출세하다 = progressing further to achieve success -call it a day = stop working -pay off 성공하다.. 2023. 10. 19.
<Labor Unions> -sweatshop 노동력 착취의 현장 = Factories where employees work long hours for low pay in unhealthy conditions -strikes 파업 = Times when workers stop working to protest job conditions -concessions 양보 = Something given from one side to the other in negotiations -backfire 역효과를 낳다 = Be an opposite effect of the expected result -in jeopardy 위기에 처한 = Go out of business because unable to pay debts. -shift the b.. 2023. 8. 2.
<Salary Gap> -tenfold = Ten times, multiplied by ten 10배의 -lopsided = Not equal by a large amount 한쪽으로 기울어진 -deseve = Are worthy of (something) 자격이있다. -bitter = Unhappy, angry, resentful 앙다물다. -perks 특전 = Gains or advantages that are extra to salary -big shots 거물들 = Imporant people with high positions and lots of power -be stressed out 스트레스를 받다 = Have too many worries, feel too much pressure. -raw deal 부당거래 .. 2023. 8. 1.