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<8.8 diary>

by 복온당 2023. 8. 9.

Today, after work, I rode a bike with my wife. Before the typhoon makes landfall.
Today's destination was Jamsil.

The wind was strong when we went to Jamsil. So it was difficult for the bike to move forward.
However, not only the sky was very clear but the sunset was also beautiful.

And then finally, we arrived at LOTTE WORLD in jamsil. Maybe it tooks to bike about 1 hour.

After parking a bike, we looked around LOTTE WORLD for a while.

When we arrived, the show was on.

This picture was taken on the way home.
The night view of Seoul from the Han River is always beautiful. 
Anyway it was a satisfying day.

※영어 고수님들 틀린 문장이 있으면 댓글로 수정 부탁드립니다!※


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