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비즈니스 영어/Socializing

<Thanking and Apologizing>

by 복온당 2023. 7. 20.


Ji: Hi, joe. How was your weekend?

Joe: Not so good. I fell ill with a cold. Oh, I'm sorry I didn't make it to the jazz bar on Friday night.

Ji: Oh, that's ok. Did you get sick on Friday?

Joe: Yeah, After work, I went home and fell asleep. I forgot to text you and Hyo that I couldn't come.

        Did you two have a good time?

Ji: Yeah, the music was nice and relaxing. Hyo's friend also came, so there were three of us.

Joe: Oh, that's good. What specials did they have?

Ji: They had two-for-one vodka shots and pitchers of Hite and Cass for 10,000 won. By the way, thank you for the feedback on my law report. It was very helpful.

Joe: Oh, it's no problem. Glad I could help you out with it.



- fall ill = to get sick

- make it = to go to; participate in, join, others in

- two-for-one = two for the price of one

- feedback = a large container for beer


'비즈니스 영어 > Socializing' 카테고리의 다른 글

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<Eating Out>  (0) 2023.07.15
<Making an Appointment>  (0) 2023.07.12
<Starting a Conversation>  (122) 2023.07.09
