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비즈니스 영어/Socializing

<Eating Out>

by 복온당 2023. 7. 15.


A: Say, do you want to do lunch together today?

B: Sure. Where would you like to go?

A: Well, do you like Italian food?

B: I love it, but I think it's too heavy for lunch.

A: How about trying Indian cuisine?

B: Good idea. I know an Indian restaurant nearby. It's just a few blocks away from here.

A: Terrific! Meet you at tweleve, then. I'll call you when I get there.

B: OK.



- blocks = spaces enclosed by streets

- terrific = magnificient

- nearby = close at hand

- It's my treat = I'd be glad to pay this time

- be off = to finish work(at the end of the day); to leave work





'비즈니스 영어 > Socializing' 카테고리의 다른 글

<Thanking and Apologizing>  (0) 2023.07.20
<Drinking>  (0) 2023.07.17
<Making an Appointment>  (0) 2023.07.12
<Starting a Conversation>  (122) 2023.07.09
