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비즈니스 영어/Socializing

<Making an Appointment>

by 복온당 2023. 7. 12.


Lee: HI, Kim. It's Lee. How are you?

Kim: Oh, I'm a little busy, but all is well. How about you? How's work these days? Is the boss still giving you a hard time?

Lee: Yes, but I've learned to manage my work and get along with my supervisor better.

Kim: I see you've learned the ropes. I'm happy for you. So to what do I owe this pleasure?

Lee: Actually, the reason I'm calling is to invite you to a reunion dinner we're having at our company.

        Many of your former coworkers will be there and they would love to see you again.

Kim: When is the dinner?

Lee: It's this Friday at 7 p.m. Will you be able to make it?

Kim: I might be a little late, but I will definitely be there.

Lee: Wonderful, everybody will be delighted to hear that you're coming.

Kim: Thanks you for inviting me. I'll see you on Friday. then.

Lee: Great. I'll see you, then.



- give somebody a hard time = make things unpleasant for somebody

- learn the ropes = learn the requirements of a new job

- supervisor = a person who manages a department or section of a company

- reunion = a gathering of people who have been apart for a long time

- drop by = come by

- around = approximately


'비즈니스 영어 > Socializing' 카테고리의 다른 글

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<Eating Out>  (0) 2023.07.15
<Starting a Conversation>  (122) 2023.07.09
