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비즈니스 영어/Talk Business


by 복온당 2023. 10. 26.


- bombarded with = hit or attacked with, subjected to

ex) she was bombarded with lots of paperwork.


- social benefits = services provided by governments 

ex) canada's social benefits system is one of the best in the world.


- dips = drops, declines

ex) the bank's interest rate has continued to dip.


- disposable income 가처분 소득 = amount of income for spending or saving after paying

ex) my disposable income increased so I bought a new car.


-trickle-down effect 낙수효과 = idea that financial benefits to big business will pass down to smaller businesses and individuals

ex) the trickle-down effect helped the economy get out of a reccession.




- cover the cost of = pay for

ex) raising prices can cover the cost of higher wages.


- light at the end of the tunnel 터널끝에 보이는 빛 = end in sight

ex) projects take a long time, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel.


- spur the economy = bring more life and activity to the economy, stimulate

ex) the government can spur the economy with job creation projects.


- sitting pretty 넉넉한, 유복한 = in a good condition or position

ex) the company is sitting pretty with 45% market share.


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