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비즈니스 영어/Telephone

<Leaving a Message - 비즈니스 영어>

by 복온당 2023. 6. 29.


A: GF Research Company, how may we help you?

B: Hello, this is Y and I work for MSD pharmaceuticals. Could you put me on line 3, plz? I would like to speak with Miss Sam.

A: I'm sorry ma'am, I'm afraid Miss Sam is not availabel at the moment. She's in a meeting right now.

B: Oh...Ok. Could I leave a message, then?

A: Sure. I can take your message.

B: I'm calling to confirm our luncheon meeting tomorrow. And I just want to let her know that my boss is coming to learn more about the services your company offers.

A: Ok. I will make sure to give her your message once she's done with the meeting.

B: Thanks a lot!

A: you're welcome.

B: Bye.

A: Bye.



supplier = information that is double-checked or noted for future events

available = free, not busy

urgent = needing immediate attention, pressing

confirmation = somebody who suppliers others with a certain commodity or services

luncheon meetin = a formal business lunch or power lunch 


'비즈니스 영어 > Telephone' 카테고리의 다른 글

<Ending a Call>  (172) 2023.07.07
<Acknowledgement>  (86) 2023.07.02
<Taking a Message - 비즈니스 영어>  (40) 2023.06.26
<preparation - 비즈니스 영어>  (42) 2023.06.25
